Linggo, Hulyo 8, 2012

Rationalization for Business Process/Business Driver

Streamlining Business Processes

The streamlining business process is usually use in graphical representation of a process flow that displays the interaction of different parties on the process and how the process growths naturally through the different phases of the project. In any business environment, it can be difficult to ensure all work, people and resources are

 Keeping track of all of these things to ensure the business is as efficient and productive as possible can be even more challenging.  has developed the  (IPA) to provide a unified platform for tracking of all three in order to allow business processes to be automated more comprehensively.

In the business the streamlining business process needed to build a process into the IPA to simply decide what information should be tracked in the process; design the user interface forms the end user interface forms the end user will see; lay out the process flow; and deploy. To extend the value to the organization, IPA also provides access to knowledge management as it integrates through the e-FAQ to improve speed and accuracy in performing work activities. The streamlining business process is the process to be tracked the forms of end user.
The Flattening Organizational Hierarchies

Small businesses start out as "flat" organizations, with most employees reporting directly to the owners. However, as small businesses grow, they incline to add management layers and become hierarchical organizations with a chief executive officer at the top, followed by senior vice presidents, vice presidents, directors, managers, project leaders and finally employees. Flattening these hierarchies involves removing or combining some of these layers, which leads to organizations that can respond rapidly to the competition.
In flattening organizational hierarchies have a basic, significance, implementation and considerations. All of these needs in small business to make the business successful and progressive business. Here are the basic, significance, implementation and considerations.
Decisions in hierarchies can take longer because information has to flow through several layers before reaching the right person. This could mean missing profitable opportunities or reacting late to competitive threats. Flattening these layers compresses the time it takes for senior management to receive, process and respond to critical information. Flattening also reduces overhead costs, such as salaries and administrative expenses, which improve profitability.
In their book titled "Why Should Anyone Be Led by You?" London Business School professors Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones suggest that instead of using hierarchies as crutches to establish social distance, senior executives should be closer to their employees to know exactly what is going on. Distance is still important, the authors suggest, but only for long-term strategic planning. The right balance between closeness for operational reasons and distance for strategic perspective depends on the particular situation, but a flat hierarchy gives senior executives the flexibility to adapt their styles as they see fit. It also allows senior executives and employees to communicate directly, which builds trust and speeds up decision making. Globalization can lead to flat organizations, suggests Columbia professor Maria Guadalupe and Harvard professor Julie M. Wulf, because removing management layers can improve information quality and empower local managers to react quickly to changes in their business environment.
Senior management should take a leadership role in flattening organizational structures. Small-business owners can implement a flat structure implicitly by communicating directly with everyone, from the vice president of marketing to the office receptionist. However, direct communication should involve more than just friendly greetings. It involves talking about strategic priorities and actively soliciting feedback on how to improve existing processes. In large organizations, flattening could also mean sharing resources, such as subject matter experts and equipment, among projects so that everybody can contribute to the corporate objectives.
Flattening hierarchies may not be necessary in all circumstances. For example, the command-and-control hierarchical structures of law enforcement and military organizations work well to maintain order and discipline. Large multinational organizations need some form of hierarchy simply for logistical reasons. For example, overseas subsidiaries need to have their own management structures, and there should be a structure at headquarters to plan, coordinate and implement corporate strategies.
Introducing Complex  Technologies at a Rapid

Now a days our world is have more different technologies we have now that usually we use this all technology for our business, institution and our daily works. We know that every time our world changes and also our technology changes also to make improve and more progressive. The technology today is more important in our world because many works we did that accurately and more efficient and to make our work easier and accomplish at a time.
In today's flexible manufacturing and rapid response environments, there is an increasing requirement for variety and innovation. There is a growing acceptance of rapid prototyping technology in industry today in response to such requirement. Many firms have incorporated it into the mainstream of their product development process. 

                        ALYSSA MARIE P. GABI

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